
oh, stupid me... the reason why it's not updating is just a little query.. the old unposted threads/posts are tagged with NULL instead of 0 ... even if i changed the default in the system, i did not update the threads themselves...

i'll post a debug in no long.. it's supper time
1.5.4, where a little query is added in the product install/upgrade so all your posts are now supposed to be posted... this is to debug the latest stupid action where you had the engine grab content but not posting it...
Sadly, nada. When run, product said it was posting in almost every forum, but no results, no users, no posts. Fresh install, BTW.


Second time run, added 8 users, 0 posts.
I did a fresh install overwrote etc and nothing at all. before I had 400 users or more then it took the server down. Now I am getting nadda.
A) Should I do a full uninstall then install this?
B) Should i be using the old rss.poster from 3.68?

What is the sequence of installation now?
Rember nexia I have been out of the loop for awhile lol

You had this almost working perfectly, you are so damn close my friend or is it I am so damn close to getting it to work....yea that's it lmao
it seems to be a server-side problem to make it work or not, because i installed it on clean vB 3.8 in 4 different hosts, and one was buggy like you are reporting, the other 3 were perfect...

there is no sequence of install.. you upload everything and import the product, like before... same for upgrade (overwrite, no uninstall)

http://nexialys.net/test/ as you can see there... pure vB without anything, and this version working pure too... everything seems to be perfectly working, and it is... i change the keywords from time to time though, to test the clients bugs...

it really is depending on the clients.

also, candomike, if you read the code, you see that there is no rss.poster file called here... the class_nex_answers.php contains the old rss.poster from 3.68 anyway... i was not permitted to use it due to vB licensing, so i simply copy/pasted it.. lol
That is exactly where I am at. it posts users but no posts with questions and or answers. I even cleaned out the Mysql to zero and restarted and the Que;s are being filled, but nothing gets out of Mysql to the forums?

Ico-Content grab new questions/answers

Added 42 questions and 398 answers to queue for The Republican Arena using tag "republican"
Added 1 question and 0 answer to queue for Army using tag "army"
updating datastore due to addition of poststamps.


Also they are going into the icc mysql and Not the Nex question and answer Que's

but they won't post in the forums grrrrrrrrr
ok candomike, you got something here, i will have to check what you indicate...

btw, there is no nex queue... the entire dB have the same structure as before... if you have something new, that's not me.. lol

there was a typo in the product file... a MISSING " ' " .. yeah, you understand what it means.... shit!

upload all the files again, and re-import the product.. no need to uninstall!

version 1.5.5 now.

files updates were "just in case that's the bug" thing...

the bug was logic... it detected the thread and created the user related to that thread, but never posted it... i updated the cronjob so next time it runs it will re-initialise the question status so the unposted threads will be created again in the future.

oh, and to make the posting more "organic", it's not posting all the answers in the row... remember that logically it takes time for someone to see a new thread and reply to it... the engine will then "think" more logically and not post a new reply to the thread until X seconds, or Y new thread created... so if you refresh your page often to see more threads created, you will see a bunch of new threads but no posts yet... about 7 or 10 threads later the replies are coming.. but also, remember the % of new questions/answers grabbed from yahoo...

another note, for guys testing:

go in the "ICo-Content" part of the vBulletin Options... at the end of the listing of settings, you have a new field... it let you choose between 1 to 25 posts made in a single click on the forum... take care to use this wisely...
btw, i think my job is done on that version... i will debug if needed again, but i hope i will not have to.. lol

i've been hit with a request to have a version 2.0 using the new PHP protocol from the Yahoo API, it would make the life way easier and minimize server process and would bring a lot more related content, but right now, i have no money on the table so i have to see with my real life if i really have that much free time to spend on real coding..
Nexia; your'e a genius! Now it works. I am gonna give it time to catch up on only two forums as it is VERY server intensive. Once it catches up then I am gonna start adding more forums one by one. Hoping the server will not crash and I am on a dual xeon with 4 gig of ram, right now with only two forums, it's a little slow but I think it's because it's playing catch up with 7 days. Once it's up to date it won't need to be pulling in so many threads. I just noticed it's posting everything seperatley, just the questions and not the answers under them. I'll give it some time and see if it will correct itself. thanks for all the hard work, it is definetley appreciated by me! I'll give an update a little later on if it goes buggy lol