there was a typo in the product file... a MISSING " ' " .. yeah, you understand what it means.... shit!
upload all the files again, and re-import the product.. no need to uninstall!
version 1.5.5 now.
files updates were "just in case that's the bug" thing...
the bug was logic... it detected the thread and created the user related to that thread, but never posted it... i updated the cronjob so next time it runs it will re-initialise the question status so the unposted threads will be created again in the future.
oh, and to make the posting more "organic", it's not posting all the answers in the row... remember that logically it takes time for someone to see a new thread and reply to it... the engine will then "think" more logically and not post a new reply to the thread until X seconds, or Y new thread created... so if you refresh your page often to see more threads created, you will see a bunch of new threads but no posts yet... about 7 or 10 threads later the replies are coming.. but also, remember the % of new questions/answers grabbed from yahoo...
another note, for guys testing:
go in the "ICo-Content" part of the vBulletin Options... at the end of the listing of settings, you have a new field... it let you choose between 1 to 25 posts made in a single click on the forum... take care to use this wisely...