Post Here: Don't know the name / Can't find the modification

i want to add image uploader to my forum,

but i don't know the name of the hack,

can you please show me a good hack working in vb3.8

and i don't want the visitors to see it, i want it only for members
Hello every one I have huge issus with security.

Someone told me about a "security mod" for VB. does anyone know about it???

my problem is with a hacker using sql inject... please help.

or I need suggestion how to secure a vb .... please help
William9999 said:
Hello every one I have huge issus with security.

Someone told me about a "security mod" for VB. does anyone know about it???

my problem is with a hacker using sql inject... please help.

or I need suggestion how to secure a vb .... please help
dark_hunter said:

hello dark_hunter

thank you..

but i want the upload center be very simple, its icon apear like this for example

and the center will be like this for all members
just select your image and enter verify code and upload the image, then get the URL

homo said:

hello dark_hunter

thank you..

but i want the upload center be very simple, its icon apear like this for example

and the center will be like this for all members
just select your image and enter verify code and upload the image, then get the URL

Could you explain more? :D
dark_hunter said:
Could you explain more? :D


i want to have simple upload center, all images uploaded to one folder in my server, and i don't want my members to have access to thier images,

and the link for upload center will apeare in the top bar between (New posts, Stats, Log Out)

i hope its clear,
thank you
hey guys i want the plugin or hack that adds a add this button before the login form.
please if anyone knows.
Hi i want one plugin or modification for my registration page
I hope you can understand what i want i want that which is for username checker.
Cyb - Login To User Account

*** Please Sticky this Warning ****

There is a serious security bug in this modification which can allow a member to access any user account. DO NOT INSTALL! Been hacked twice because of this product! Forum - Cyb - Login To User Account

Seems like we have a worst-case-scenario... :( I just tried to "hijack" an admin account of a forum postet in the signatur of an user using the 3.7-Version.

Unfortunatly, I was successfull...
I now have full access of his forum! Don't worry - I will not do any harm!

ADMINs! Please remove all versions of this AddOn & inform every admin to disable this AddOn as soon as possible!
If vb-Admins would like to test hijacking forums - send PN an I'll give you some links to vunerable forums. There you can hijack any account you want. Unbelivable!!!