Kedzi said:So where do I put this ?
<br />Your posts count: $bbuserinfo[posts]<br />
h@ck3r said:What is this mod?
Hoxxy said:debug mode mod
h@ck3r said:So I just (somehow) need to put VB into debug mode, and this will appear?
Hoxxy said:Install this , theres also admin options...
h@ck3r said:Many thanks mate just what I need!
1 Thing though... It's telling me I have 24 queries being executed, but not what they are.
Is there a way to find out what ones are being executed?
Also.. is 24 a lot?
'template3' [color=Red]<--no comma[/color]
haaser said:i know its prob not a hack... but could some one please tell me how to use username in title and post. like:
title: Welcome [username]!!!
BODY: Hello [username],
welcome to...... youget the idea.. i just hope you know whats its called or how to do it... i know it can be done, i have sen it before.
h@ck3r said:Thanks Hoxxy.
I added the 4 templates that were not cached, to the index.php file. However, when I visit a members profile and look at the debug stats, those same templates are red again.
Do I need to add those templates to other php files too?
Can you please explain the end section of this debug info to me please?
At the very bottom of it, it says 'Messages', and has a drop down menu with a long list of things inside it.
See screenshot below:
View attachment 15855
What's this all about?
haaser said:Any one please???
MaDDoGCraZ said:I am looking for a mod that shows how many members were online in the last 24 hours so even if they have logged off 6hours ago they would still be showing in the section"What's Going On?" i have seen it on other Forums, could you please help me.
Thank you in advance
Hoxxy said:Sorry was gonna edit about other pages but server was sloooooooooooooooooooow.. so didn't get round to it.....
Ok so try adding the uncached templates to global.php
// templates to be included in every single page...
and do as I said above
If the templates belong to 1 mod attach the xml file and I will try to sort it for you without the need of editing .php files.
More Information
Template Usage:
* (1)ad_footer_end
* (1)ad_footer_start
* (1)ad_forumhome_afterforums
* (1)ad_header_end
* (1)ad_header_logo
* (1)ad_navbar_below
* (1)cyb_flashimagebanners
* (1)cyb_lastxhoursvisitors
* (1)footer
* (5)forumhome_event
* (11)forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost
* (38)forumhome_forumbit_level2_post
* (49)forumhome_lastpostby
* (14)forumhome_loggedinuser
* (1)forumhome_markread_script
* (1)gobutton
* (1)hbd_spoiler_inc
* (1)header
* (1)headinclude
* (2)login_slide
* (1)navbar
* (9)navbar_notifications_menubit
* (8)option
* (1)post_thanks_navbar_search
* (1)spacer_close
* (1)spacer_open
* (1)vbteam_img_link
* (1)vbteam_img_uploader_loc
* (1)vbteam_img_uploader_loc2
Phrase Groups Available:
* global
* holiday
* prefix
Included Files:
* ./vbseo.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_pre.php
* ./includes/config_vbseo.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_url.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_createurl.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_db.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_vb.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_seo.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_misc.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_crr.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_cache.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_hook.php
* ./includes/functions_vbseo_startup.php
* ./includes/config.php
* ./index.php
* ./global.php
* ./includes/init.php
* ./includes/class_core.php
* ./includes/functions.php
* ./includes/class_hook.php
* ./includes/functions_nex_answers.php
* ./includes/class_dm.php
* ./includes/class_dm_threadpost.php
* ./includes/functions_newpost.php
* ./includes/functions_login.php
* ./includes/functions_notice.php
* ./includes/functions_bigthree.php
* ./includes/functions_forumlist.php
* ./includes/functions_user.php
* ./includes/functions_calendar.php
Hooks Called:
* init_startup
* fetch_userinfo_query
* fetch_musername
* fetch_userinfo
* cache_permissions
* style_fetch
* cache_templates
* global_start
* parse_templates
* notices_check_start
* notifications_list
* global_setup_complete
* forumhome_start
* forumhome_event
* forumhome_loggedinuser_query
* forumhome_loggedinuser
* cache_ordered_forums
* forumbit_display
* forumhome_complete
# Page Generation 0.14618 seconds
# Memory Usage 8,459KB
# Queries Executed 21
h@ck3r said:The templates are from 2 different mods.. but I think you created both the XLS's ?
vBTeam ImageUploader
I'll attach them anyway.
I think if you can edit these to get them cached without PHP file edits that would be much better, but no worries if not. I'll try adding them to global.php
View attachment 16016
View attachment 16017
I'll post my other question here regarding this debugging too...
Below is a list from my site Using the debug mod):
Do you see anything there that could be causing my site to go slow?
Not sure if it's my forum, or the server.
On the forums homepage (index.php), I get this:
As always- any help greatly appreciated![]()
PAKIS-RULEZ said:DO YOU HAVE IMAGE RE SIZE mod ? uninstall it and see what goes one i had that mod in and it was causing overloads in the server.