Post Here: Don't know the name / Can't find the modification

tealk said:
Hi all !!!

i saw this in a site and really like to have the same Hack/mod for my newsgroups site :

Someone know this one ??
Thanks who can answer me !!!

Up !!! Anyone can help me ???

i try to install NZB attachment parser but dunno why it don't want work .... help me .. thanks per advance
netmatrix said:
Ok I think this mod is already on this forum, but it's where each of the members can have their name set up for when posting a message their fav color, font, size, etc is preset for them. This way they don't have to do that everytime they do a post. Can you please quide me in the right direction for this mod. Thank you. I'm running 3.7.2 for my forum right now, but will be upgrading to 3.7.3 hopefully soon. lol

Pretty sure this is the one you are looking for ...
We'd like our moderators can give (add or deduct) specific points/scores to any our customers, and this score/points can show on postbit.

I've tested Kbank and vbExperience, they didn't do it quite well.

It's ideal that our moderators can add/deduct point from frontend of the forum rather than loginto admin Panel.

The points is just points, we don't need it has any effect on level or previleges.

I installed Kbank, it has KL$, but seems quite difficult to give normal member any KL$ in needed number of point or money.

Thank you.
Is there a Mod for the Post Reporting Tools, when a member created a report tool it will use the reported subject to be created to Reporting Thread?

We are having problem with the same Subject on the Report, that way we can know which subject need to be checked.
hello everyone,

i want to request some plugin to view 'certain' thread first after user are registered/login

so after they are login the will be redirect to that thread first :)

i saw this plugin in some vbull forums but i dont know the exact name.

can i have the latest version of vbmusic if it is available for 3.7.3 or a music section same as vbmusic mod as i want to add a ringtone section into my forum and need this mod
Bigbrainboy said:
Can anyone get me this hack?

Attached Image
Bigbrainboy said:
Im looking for this 2 XD
hi, im looking of the emotions mod, i can't remember what its called but under your screen name you can chose if your tyered or lazy or stuff like that.. thanks in advance
ksmo92 said:
hi, im looking of the emotions mod, i can't remember what its called but under your screen name you can chose if your tyered or lazy or stuff like that.. thanks in advance

Under Member info or threads/posts?