Post Here: Don't know the name / Can't find the modification


what is that ? and how do i install it ?
arcken said:
what do you call this hack were userid shows an image instead of text


I think this is HTML code
he changed his name from the admincp to sumthing like this
<img src="" border=0>

i am not aware of any other methods to do it

dusean said:
hey can I anyone get me a requesting making mod that members can make reuests :D

this my friend is called the "Apply to be a moderator" Mod and can be found right here sir
dusean said:
PnC i a need where users can request stuffs :D there is a mod ..I have seen it on many forums but I cant find it :(

provide a link where you had seen that type of mod? only then its possible to know which mod you are talking about.
dusean said:
PnC i a need where users can request stuffs :D there is a mod ..I have seen it on many forums but I cant find it :(

i dont really get u
post a screen shot or an example to give me and other members a guideline on what we are looking for
i dont know where to find this hack i looked on here using all the tags i can think off but i didnt find it

when i post a link here like

it displays the title of the page linked to it like this

how do i do that ?
p.n.c said:
i dont know where to find this hack i looked on here using all the tags i can think off but i didnt find it

when i post a link here like

it displays the title of the page linked to it like this

how do i do that ?

to use Google as my example,
you would just type:[noparse]Google[/noparse]

for other links: [noparse]Put Page Title Here[/noparse]

no plugin or mod needed, unless you want it done automatically for you,
to have it done automatically, use the MOD that chaotic_geo
posted above vBSEO!
lol i know how to do it manually but who wanna do everything manually

and vbseo doesnt work on my site :(

maybe m installin it wrong or the server aint acceptin it

any suggestions ?
mammu said:
How to know installed vbseo is working correctly or not?

if you do not find any error on your forum and if google bot start crawling in your forum within 1-2days it means vbseo is working perfectly on your site, but make sure that you check each & every posted threads in the forum aswell as check all mods that you have installed in your site, if it working without any error, then you are on your way for the success with vbseo
What's the hack where a user signs up with your referral and you get a private message saying thanks for referring our community keeps growing etc.

Can't find it anywhere. :/