ok, i've checked the bug, can't find a solution, i may just create a diversion for the cron to think we're making it by-hand... that would fix grabbing answers.... this will be the end of that i think.
next step, taking a rest of ico-content, and writing the white-paper for Nex-Answers engine.... ico-content was written in a strange logic, and the code was... hum... ok, i do not want to insult anybody... ROFL
i'll use PURE-YAHOO-API now, creating a process to also check questions with no answers -- because actually when a question have no answer, it is stuck in translation. i'll also make it so it's more fluid, more organic. the engine will grab the questions/answers per forum instead of a global setting, and it will be possible to set how fluid each forum will be, so some "popular" forums would have more posts made per day, etc. these settings will not be numbers, they will be feelings: forgotten, normal, popular, frenzy...
the new engine will not store all the data all the time, so your database will not be spoiled with too much content. each time a question/answer is posted, the ID is stored, and the original data is deleted.
Also, instead of checking per username, the engine will check userID for the posters... i found this week that Yahoo users can change their usernames on the fly, on YIM, and that have an echoe on ico-content, as it create a new user each time it hit a new username. so, "Carla Is Happy" was different from "Carla Is Unhappy Now" ... even if we knew it was the same person posting different questions...
Also, what i plan is to enable direct login from Yahoo users... i had that request lately, someone from Yahoo asked if he could login on my demo board with his Yahoo account because he wanted to participate on the forum with his stored questions in bank... This is possible, we have another API for that, like Facebook permit it. anyway, this is far from tomorrow.
That new engine will be 90% outside vBulletin, because i want it to plug into a new engine soon, instead of having to rewrite a complete new engine each time -- remembers me the old time!... vBulletin, like IPB or phpBB will be able to create a bridge between my engine and their cron system. This is why the engine will take long to write and test. The logic is already there, i've been writing a lot in the last months, but as i have a life, it is in backup.. lol