New Member
Hey i just changed to Basic Editor - A Simple Text Box in Usercp
and now its working......
and now its working......
kingofdevils2005 said:One code bug..
check the screenshot -
The links coming in 1 line...
mrx3net said:the bug is on vb only ; on phpbb3 / ipb there is no problem
hobbes51 said:this is the best tool i have ever seen.. they already updated that code problem
- Added WarezScene leeching support
- Added BayW leeching support
- Added auto-save for the settings, login, url's, ...
- Added 2 radio stations
- Fixed support for 'fancy' usernames/passwords
- Fixed pause, it now does actually pause
- Fixed newline char bug in the thread content textbox
- Fixed bug where some WBB Link check info would not get removed
- #Leech now shows you it is pausing in the status bar
- Some other stuff i forgot ^^
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
[SIZE=3] Link checked on Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:49 am [WBB_Linkchecker_Bot] [/SIZE]/code]
bad font
2009 [color=Red]�[/color] the all-in-one security solution
message in images not space bad message example
kingofdevils2005 said:One code bug..
check the screenshot -
The links coming in 1 line...
$urlReplaceArray = array(