vBulletin Bot automatic poster

(20$) l4nsoft.com/forum
If you going to buy it, believe me, you wont regret it =)
At least i didnt, cuz now i got 50,000 topics more ;D and i only own software for about 2 weeks lol..
This is a little old, but someone here can probably edit it to get it up to date...

/* Some Old Ass Vbul Poster I made... */
/* This thing doesn't read from the username and password variables... simple CURL */
/* You gotta edit the actual CURL shit or just make it read the variables. */


$username = "Enter-Username";
$pass = "Enter-Password(Encrypted)";

function VbullPubPost($section,$boardid,$subject,$content){

If($boardid == 1){
$url = "http://www.dark-sharez.net/";
If($section == "Movies"){
$sid = 10;
}elseif($section == "Applications"){
$sid = 8;
}elseif($section == "Games"){
$sid = 9;
}elseif($section == "Music"){
$sid = 11;
}elseif($section == "Scripts"){
$sid = 12;
}elseif($section == "Other"){
$sid = 13;

If($boardid == 2){
$url = "http://www.thedefaced.org/forums/";
If($section == "Movies"){
$sid = 118;
}elseif($section == "Applications"){
$sid = 120;
}elseif($section == "Games"){
$sid = 52;
}elseif($section == "Music"){
$sid = 119;
}elseif($section == "Scripts"){
$sid = 122;
}elseif($section == "Other"){
$sid = 52;

If($boardid == 3){
$url = "http://www.**********.info/forum/";
If($section == "Movies"){
$sid = 20;
}elseif($section == "Applications"){
$sid = 17;
}elseif($section == "Games"){
$sid = 18;
}elseif($section == "Music"){
$sid = 19;
}elseif($section == "Scripts"){
$sid = 27;
}elseif($section == "Other"){
$sid = 21;
If($boardid == 4){
$url = "http://www.katzforums.com/";
If($section == "Movies"){
$sid = 24;
}elseif($section == "Applications"){
$sid = 23;
}elseif($section == "Games"){
$sid = 22;
}elseif($section == "Music"){
$sid = 31;
}elseif($section == "Scripts"){
$sid = 27;
}elseif($section == "Other"){
$sid = 25;

If($boardid == 5){
$url = "http://www.katzforums.com/";
If($section == "Movies"){
$sid = 24;
}elseif($section == "Applications"){
$sid = 23;
}elseif($section == "Games"){
$sid = 22;
}elseif($section == "Music"){
$sid = 31;
}elseif($section == "Scripts"){
$sid = 27;
}elseif($section == "Other"){
$sid = 25;

//Vbulletin Login
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$url/login.php?do=login");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'vb_login_username=Enter-UserName-Here&cookieuser=1&vb_login_password=&s=&do=login&vb_login_md5password=MD5d Pass for Cookie&vb_login_md5password_utf=MD5d Pass for Cookie');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, 'cookie.txt');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$store = curl_exec ($ch);

//Vbulletin Poster
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$url/newthread.php?do=postthread&f=$sid");
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "subject=$subject&message=$content&wysiwyg=0&iconid=0&s=&f=$sid&do=postthread&posthash=e781dee3f4112674dad0d8f5ddd71697&poststarttime=1209063757&loggedinuser=2&sbutton=Submit+New+Thread&parseurl=1&emailupdate=9999&polloptions=4");
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, 'cookie.txt');
$content2 = curl_exec ($ch);


VbullPubPost("Scripts",1,"ScriptPost","[color=\"RED\"]Testing Pub Poster[/color]");
VbullPubPost("Other",2,"OtherPost","[color=\"RED\"]Testing Pub Poster[/color]");
VbullPubPost("Applications",1,"AppPost","[color=\"RED\"]Testing Pub Poster[/color]");

Here ya go here is sharp leech, free. if you want ileech holler and i can help you with that.

Rep to my guys at my site for helping me get these working.
SharpLeech vBulletin Patch

This is a patch I've quickly written to fix a bug when posting to vBulletin forums. The bug was that every posted thread would have everything on one line. This is now fixed


If you don't have SharpLeech yet you can get it here

Tnx Hyperz for this...!
i tried to use but it gives me error

the login details were accepted when i tried to give start leeching it gave me this error : -

"The underlying connection was closed: A Connection that was expected to be kept alive was closed by the server "

I tried to use pornbb posts in my site
it is also happening for all the sites listed in their bayw , w-bb , wscene and p-bb

kindly help please
Do you think there is any way to modify so we can add any kind of site ?
that would be awesome, because i know some good invite only forums
that i would like to try if it works.
Thanks great lil script :) keep up !