Thanks Micheal I will over to your site shortly to buy the videoshare. I hope it's not too buggy. I own 2 brand free vbtubes and thank gawd the support is good because there is no way I could handle it, the sites are heavy with video and I don't understand code.
Your videoshare script will fit nicely into another one of my sites.
And to Don, you started the whole thing asshole... reread your comments that you just had to inject..... wow ya I guess it means I have money because I buy my scripts and I am not high and mighty as you suggest nor am I rich, I am just what I told you I was UPFRONT... you provoked the response you got. You do have enough brain power to comprehend this, right? nah.... didn't think so.
Explain HOW I am a hypocrite, if you even know what the word means? How is buying legit for my legit sites, and using nulled warez on my 2 test sites (diff verion vb's) being a hypocrite?