Inferno Shoutbox on 3.7.0 vbulletin

Damn, I can't change any settings of IShout in the AdminCP. I wonder how long it'll take for Gold to come out.
ahhh man this takes the p1$$ i cant change any settings in admincp

@ Itsuki Minami

yes it works but if you want to adjust any settings in admincp you cant because they wont save lol thats why we are complaining about the hack :)

surely somebody can adjust a little bit of code for us poor beta2/3 users ;)

If you are using version 3.7 this is a fix. I applied to to the pro version but the following should apply to lite.

Make sure your shoutbox is set to on before doing the following.
If you go into the "settings" table and sort by product. You will find a product called _inferno_shoutbox. Int he column called "value" you will find the words array. They dont belong there. You will need to replacement them with their proper #'s.
For editor tools use the following #'s. Add them up to get the total value # you need to put in depending on what options you want on. I use 127.
  1 => 'Bold',
  2 => 'Underline',
  4 => 'Italic',
  8 => 'Colours',
  16 => 'Fonts',
  32 => 'Clear',
  64 => 'Smilies',For bbcode use the following #'s. Add them up to get the total value # you need to put in depending on what options you want on. I use 639.
  1 => 'Allow Basic BBCode',
  2 => 'Allow Color BBCode',
  4 => 'Allow Size BBCode',
  8 => 'Allow Font BBCode',
  16 => 'Allow Alignment BBCode',
  32 => 'Allow List BBCode',
  64 => 'Allow Link BBCode',
  128 => 'Allow Code BBCode',
  256 => 'Allow PHP BBCode',
  512 => 'Allow HTML BBCode'
You will also need to manually input your usergroups. Here you put in the usergroup #'s seperated by the usergroups. Example

Now go into your vbulletin admin CP > vbulletin options > vbulletin options > backup / restore settings. Please note this is not on the drop down menu its to the left of it.
Now export your vbshout settings and then reimport them. This is how we fixed it our board. I can not guarentee this will work for you but feel free to ask questions.
cheers for the hack fix

however i really dont get this at all?
am i missing something here? all i can see is this:

(image below)

i dont see anything resembling what your on about lol

EDIT: i now found out this is done via phpmyadmin.. ive managed to get things ticked now in admin panel but they still dont make any difference, i find this is because of the hooks. it just isnt going to work. dont make any difference on vb 3.7.0 B3 !!

EDIT2! WORKED,... the only way for it to make it work after you can see all the ticks and settings in admincp that you want via doing the method via phpmyadmin is to upload tools.php on FTP goto your website EXAMPLE: then run the query called Datastore Cache

[Options Cache] Update the options cache from the setting table

jobs a gooden and it will pull all the settings you changed in your SQL

Enjoy :D works on vb 3.7.0 Beta 3

Itsuki Minami said:
xD kool i still can guess how to make all that i'm lost

I will write a wlkthrough tomorrow when im not drunk with screnshots and help all the way on how to do it, its very difficult even for me and im expereinced with vbulletin and SQL editing.

however it can be done but doing it this way YOU MUST NOT SAVE settings in inferno shout in admincp or they revert back. each time you have to edit through phpmyadmin.. see EDIT2 ...

I have installed this great product on my forum, but none of the commands seem to work. What am I doing wrong? I try entering /prune or /options inside the shoutbox but I'm not getting any admin ways to clean up or basically control the shoutbox.

first don't give ypur url you will get reported for software piracy second off all try reading all posts if you have installed in vb 3.7.0 beta x yu have to do some fixes try reading all posts there is the solution
Sorry. I edited my post. I really don't understand what you mean, though. I'm just trying to erase some of the shouts in the shoutbox & entering codes like /prune, /options but they don't seem to work. Is the fix you're referring to on the page before this?
can someone show me how to get this to work..the shoutbox works but not the AdminCP settings..i already tried the ones on pg.3 and nothing..please help..thx
exel said:
can someone show me how to get this to work..the shoutbox works but not the AdminCP settings..i already tried the ones on pg.3 and nothing..please help..thx

you have to use PHPmyadmin which will be found in your host control panel, if you dont know where or how to use this then forget it.
find your cpanel at your own domain name i.e:
and then login with your master details.

if you do then simply goto phpmyadmin then click on setting which is on the left,
then click on browse (top left)
scroll right a bit and click on the blue product (its just above where you can see loads of vbulletin words!)

then at the bottom click on the double arrow button >>

then you should now see some stuff in the lists called _inferno_shoutbox_settings and ishout_

so click on the pencil sign so you can edit it and enter the details:

to enable admin commands set it as this:
ishout_admincommands _inferno_shoutbox_settings value 6,7 defaultvalue 6,7

as you can see usergroup id 6 is administrator and 7 is moderator

ishout_protectedugs is 6 (admins)
ishout_editor_tools is 127
ishout_bbcodes is 79
ishout_ajaxrefresh i put that to 3

and once youve edited and saved every one of these you will need to upload tools.php in admincp folder on the ftp and then goto it i.e: and click on

[Options Cache] Update the options cache from the setting table

and this will immeditaly enable what youve set in phpmyadmin

jobs a gooden.

However DO NOT try and edit your shoutbox via vbulletin and saving because everything will revert back to non functioning again and youll have to redo all this. if you need to enable or change anything you must use phpmyadmin procedure ONLY until theres a final release of vbulletin.



and an example of what i set mine to :D


Usergroups are as follows:

Unregistered / Not Logged In 1
Registered Users 2
Users Awaiting Email Confirmation 3
(COPPA) Users Awaiting Moderation 4
Super Moderators 5
Administrators 6
Moderators 7
Banned Users 8
Premium Member 9 (this is a usergroup you may of made!)
exel said:
Dude..MAD PROPS!!YOUR AWSOME! THANKS!! xD ...Never Been Happier :D Thanks again! spinifex

I always share knowledge and ill try and help somebody i see struggling.
goes with experience mate.

all the best,

spinifex said:
I always share knowledge and ill try and help somebody i see struggling.
goes with experience mate.

all the best,