[HBD-vBTEAM] Ultimate posting tools

Hoxxy thanks very much this looks a fantastic tool i have downloaded and installed on my server i think is correct could you please help with a few points i uploaded ic.php and postgen,php into root i uploaded ther 2 clientscript files into the folder on server with this same name now the image folder were do i upload this to any help much appreciated
pandusetiawan said:
Hoxxy, thx for this great mod :)

There's a minor prob on my forum when I use the linkchecker.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /home/***/public_html/forum/lc.php on line 25

Could you help me with this prob Hoxxy? thx :)

in lc.php file find this line and set it to to 1:
$fgc = 0; // change it to one to enable it

eastwood1 said:
Hoxxy thanks very much this looks a fantastic tool i have downloaded and installed on my server i think is correct could you please help with a few points i uploaded ic.php and postgen,php into root i uploaded ther 2 clientscript files into the folder on server with this same name now the image folder were do i upload this to any help much appreciated

You need to upload "as is"
It is great work, but when I check links I have some error:

Can you help me?

in my other ftp it is ok, but status of link always shows that link is Dead :(
Hi Hoxxy i would like to say a big thanks for this great tool i have it all installed and working just fine on my site fantastic work
Slugger00001 said:
hey hoxxy, think you can make it so it codes and hides the links?

Upload the .js file found in the Extras folder and overwrite the one currently in your clientscript folder;)
Hoxxy said:
Upload the .js file found in the Extras folder and overwrite the one currently in your clientscript folder;)

that only hides it ;)

and the hiding thing I have hides all the links but only makes one so it looks like it is in the code tags. the others are phrased so you cant copy and paste easy.

But I need it to code it and hide it so its coded and hid
Slugger00001 said:
that only hides it ;)

and the hiding thing I have hides all the links but only makes one so it looks like it is in the code tags. the others are phrased so you cant copy and paste easy.

But I need it to code it and hide it so its coded and hid

Check first post for new .js file ;)
i have it all setup, but when i click on any of the links/images
example: i click on the rapidshare image, it takes you from my site TO rapidshare.com instead of openeing a little window... how do i fix this?