[HBD-vBTEAM] Ultimate posting tools


New Member
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                            OO - 2008 - OO                       
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     H      H     H      HB               B  D           DDD     
     H      H     H      HB     BBBBBB     B D              DD   
     HH     H     H     HHBB    B     B     BDDD    DDDDD     D  
       H    H     H    H    B   B     B     B  D    D    D     D 
       H    H     H    H    B   B     B     B  D    D     D     D
       H     HHHHH     H    B   BBBBBB     B   D    D     D     D
       H               H    B            BB    D    D     D     D
       H               H    B   BBBBBB     B   D    D     D     D
       H     HHHHH     H    B   B     B     B  D    D     D     D
       H    H     H    H    B   B     B     B  D    D     D     D
       H    H     H    H    B   B     B     B  D    D    D     D 
     HH     H     H     HHBB    BBBBBB      BDDD    DDDDD     D  
     H      H     H      HB                B D              DD   
     H      H     H      HB               B  D           DDD    
° PReSeNTS ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
   Product name : HBD Utimate Posting Tools                     
   Designed By  : Hoxxy(bydesign) - vbteam                      
   Tested by    : HBD                                           
   Demo         : N/A                               
   Release date : 30-08-2008                                    
   Price        : nada/zilch/gratis/not a penny/free            
° iNFoRMaTioN  ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
                  This vBulletin modification/Addon provides    
                  lots of great tools to help your members      
                  create nice posts, upload files and images    
                  to numerous hosting sites quickly without     
                  having to leave your forums aswell as         
                  the ability to check links with a powerful    
                  link checkerthat works with many sites.       
° iNSTRuCTioNS ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
                1: Upload all files found in the upload folder  
                2: Install the xml file via admincp             
                3: Browse to:                                   
                 - Admincp>>vBulletin options>>HBD Ultimate
                   posting tools
                 - Set your options prefferences and save
° GReeTZ ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
            Greetz to everyone that makes this scene possible!
                sSpecial thanks & greetz to:                   
                vBTEAM, GYSN and DGT                   
° DiSCLaiMeR ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
                By installing this modification you waive 
                Hoxxybydesign of any responsibilty if your site 
                subsequently nolonger works correctly!
[HBD-vBTEAM] Ultimate posting tools

[HBD-vBTEAM] Ultimate posting tools adds lots of great posting tools to ALL editors found on your forum(except edit post).

More screenshots available in attachment.

The Tools:
- HBD Postgen
- HBD Upload options (previously only available to staff and elite members)
- Link Checker
checks links are still live works with:
Rapidshare.com Rapidshare.de Filefactory.com Axifile.com Badongo.com Depositfiles.com Megarotic.com Easy-Share.com Egoshare.com Adrive.com Files.to Gigasize.com Mediafire.com iFolder.ru BitRoad.net Megashares.com Megaupload.com Ifile.it UploadPalace.com Momupload.com Flyupload.com Rndbload.com Savefile.com Sendspace.com Ziddu.com MegaShare.com Speedyshare.com Turboupload.com Uploaded.to Cocoshare.com Uploading.com Usaupload.net Zshare.net FileFront.com

File uploads:
- Rapidshare.com upload
- Mediafire upload
- MegaUpload upload
- Depositfiles upload
- FileFactory upload
- MegaShares upload
- ASAPload.com (Multi upload site)
- Options to add 2 more file hosting sites

Image uploads:
- Image Shack
- Freeimagehosting
- TinyPic
- Options to add 2 more image hosting sites

All tools open in highslide (see second screenshot)

Admin options:
- Every tool has an on/off option single links or the full section.
- Options to add 2 more file hosting sites and 2 more image hosting sites

Extras folder:
(info about this can be found in the same folder).

- Upload all files found in the upload folder
- Install the xml file via admincp
- Browse to:
- Admincp>>vBulletin options>>HBD Ultimate posting tools
- Set your options preferences and save

Disable in "Quick reply editor": Added:14 / 02 / 09

Admincp >> Plugins & Products >> Plugin Manager

scroll down to and open:
HBD UPT Process

in the coding find:
case 'showthread_quickreply';
			$search = '<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wysiwyg\" id=\"{$editorid}_mode\" value=\"$editortype\" />';	
			$dohbd_upt = true;

Find the word true and replace with false

save :)

- If you have installed - HBD Postgen - HBD Upload options previously please uninstall first as the versions in this mod are new re-writes.

- If you have image resize with highslide installed on your board This mod will not work.

This is a vBTEAM Exclusive and I wish it to stay that way so do not distribute or post elsewhere!
If found posted elsewhere I will no longer post my style rips or mods in the public areas!

Multi image png to gif fixed

New file added
hide and code .js file replace the original js file found in clientscript folder.
I don't like it how it appears on peoples profiles though , but oh wells :P

still a great mod.

Edit : also change the multi.png to .gif
I like it alot but I wish that the info and screen picture could be optional and be turned of when using the post generator.
NyCrAzY said:
I don't like it how it appears on peoples profiles though , but oh wells :P

still a great mod.
this is mentioned in original post
"[HBD-vBTEAM] Ultimate posting tools adds lots of great posting tools to ALL editors found on your forum(except edit post)."

NyCrAzY said:
Edit : also change the multi.png to .gif
Fixed and re-uped

Chelf said:
One question Hoxxy. Is there anyway to add Photobucket into that?

I'm curious. That's all.

You could add PB as one of your additional options but the reason I didnt add it originally was because dosent have an anonimous upload option like the rest (ie you have to sign in first)
Maybe...in the upcoming release, u could add group permissions and options to show it or not on quick reply/edit.

Its just an idea! :D i have loved your mod :D
lecnoj said:
Tools opening in highslide doesnt works if you have image resize with highslide installed on your board.

Looks like your gonna have to decide which mod is better ;)