hi guys,
i installed a several addons during the last weeks, also an addon called HBD Ultimate Posting Tools.
im not sure if its the source of my problem, but when i do a quick edit on a post and safe the changes, the browser loads and loads, but doesnt confirm or reload the recent changes.
when i edit in the advanced mode, everything is ok.
i deactivated the hdb addon, deinstalled... reinstalled, did the mentioned fix. but nothing happens.
any1 an idea where to search for that mistirious bug?
in the very beginning i hadnt had this kind of bug.
edit: hacklist
Cyb - Advanced Registration 1.7
Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager 2.5
Cyb - Visitors in Last X Hours 2.4
die heutigen Bester Poster 1.0
DownloadsII 5.1.0
HBD Private Upload 1.0
HBD Ultimate Posting Tools
Links vor Gaeste verstecken
Post Ranking System 1.0
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads [Forum Based] 1.0.0