It’s been reported by neowin.net that July 13 will be the day that Windows 7 is RTM (Released To Manufacturing). This is great news all around for Windows 7 users. This means the code will be finalized and Microsoft will give the green light to it’s manufacturers. They in turn will begin production of the millions of DVDs, that will house the new Microsoft operating system for the public to buy.
Finally in 10 days we will pass the milestone I have been eagerly waiting on. No more beta testing, or release candidates. No more five leaked builds a week. No more bi-hourly shutdowns and expiration dates; it will be the real deal – as long as there are not any major problems or setbacks. But, Microsoft should have had plenty of time to work out all the kinks and bugs. So, I expect them to keep to the schedule.
Which means we are still on track for the GA (General Availability) date of 10-22-09. This is the date where you and I should be able to go your local Best Buy or wherever and buy it off the shelf. That is when we will see how well the public likes Windows 7. Is it gonna fly off the shelves and break records? Who knows. Am I going to buy a copy of Windows 7 Ultimate? I have already pre-ordered it!
I think in the next couple of months we will see a huge increase in Windows 7 news and coverage. The closer we get to Oct.22nd, the more Microsoft will be putting out information and lots of advertising. This is beginning of the end my friends. It is about to be a whirlwind of Windows 7 publicity. I for one can’t wait and am very excited to bring you all the latest Windows 7 news. Thanks goes to you for making this site great. Feel free to comment.