vS-Hide Hack Resurrection v3.7.1 for vBulletin 3.5-3.8 NULLIFIED by vB Lider

hey everything works perfect, but i like to change the buttons in the editor (see sample)! but always when i put smaller icons there they get resized in bigger format :(

anybody can help?

smoke12345 said:
I have this ( for example) ./includes/functions_forumdisplay.php,

then i need to upload the functions_forumdisplay.php that i just edited for the hack to the includes folder right?


ok I got it working now finnaly after 10 years....:P

now my other problem if i make a topic with a a hide option in it.. my topic disappear for my registered users? but me(admin ) can see it?

Ok got it fully working now..

thank you so much mate:D


how you get it working? omg i having that problem now i sure i upload to correct folder already man. If i edit wrongly will it affect?
I stuck with uncrompressed javascript???

How to do this download uncrompressed javascript vbulletin then insatll all over agian ??
so after i download uncompressed JavaScript, vbulletin i need install and overrite every file .. before i do that I need backup my database right ??

I have dobut ...

With out uncompressed JavaScript, vbulletin .. this hide mod not working correclty on our forum u think ???

Can i go ./clientscript/vbulletin_quick_reply.js, then edit this file with note pad . U think it should be work fine or no.. ??

I try to edit with notpad it is working ... Can I do this why.

please any one help....

Sorry ab out my very bad english
So just upload uncompressed files which is ./clientscript/vbulletin_quick_reply.js and ./clientscript/vbulletin_quick_reply.js, to my server then edit it right ....... I don't have to upload all the files to my server right ??
Hi already have a Thanks button is there anyway i could link The Hide hack to my own thanks button instead of having 2 thanks buttons?

* Handles quick reply data when AJAX says qr_ajax_post() is complete
* @param object YUI AJAX
function qr_do_ajax_post

Dont find this and "uncompressed javascript
Hey guys I tried to start a thread of my own with the problems I had with this mod! I have tried installing this on vb 3.6.8 and here is the problem I get. I tried the version by GYSN! I uploaded the files that came with the download. I edited all the php files as directed. I imported the XML. I set the usergroup permissions as well as each forum permission. I then edited the settings in vb options. NOW! Here is the BS....
When the addon is active for Thanks and Post count.. FOR EXAMPLE : I post in a thread and my first post I hide all my links... well I reply to myself and add more links and hide them as well. I do this with images and games as it takes a long time for images to load if I clutter just ONE post. this way it will SPLIT and have more pages and take less time for the page to load...

OK NOW.. when I push thanks button it will only unhide the first post NOT THE REST.. I have to reload the page to unhide all of them. It also glitches and makes EVERYTHING a hyperlink all text, images and all....

I read somewhere that it does not play well with mgc chatbox that is what is running on this board. I hope some wise soul that has played with this could tell me how to get it running as all I really want if for is to hide links until post count is met!!
Goodmorning all,

The problem i have is that i havent installed the uncompressed javascript version of vbulletin. I have installed lots of addons/skins/portal and i am afraid to risk it and do an upgrade...

Can someone post the modified 3.7.1 javascript files like you have done for the 3.7.0?

Thanks in advance
i've got one prob .....

when somebody replies to the topic the "matter" don't unhide in ajax, the user has to refresh the topic in order to see the hidden files ..

any idea what might be the possible reason behind this ?