Could some of vBTeam PHP gurus look into this code and find out why this mod doesn't work with every forum style?
For example, i'm using following styles:
default, Visual Depth, iSkin, iSkin Black and Fusion (all from extreme pixels, excluding default of course) and the mod works only in default and Visual Depth.
Visual Depth is installed in /forumroot/images/styles and the rest in /forumroot. Maybe that's why?
Btw. it works in navbar but not in postbit.
PS. Nice site. I accidentially came across it today and i think i'm gonna stay for a longer time
You guys have what i was looking for. Thank you for that.
I played a bit with this mod and i got it to work. Put this code:
<if condition="$vboptions['vmoods_active'] AND $post['userid'] > 0 AND $post['vmood'] != 'none'">
<div class="info">
<span style="vertical-align: middle;">$vbphrase[vmoods_my_mood] </span>
<img style="vertical-align: middle" src="$vboptions[vmoods_images_path]/$post[vmood].gif" border="0" />
to postbit_legacy (ACP-->Styles&Templates-->Style Manager-->xxx template-->Edit Template-->Postbit Templates-->postbit_legacy)
Just pick a place. I placed it after
<if condition="$post[icqicon] or $post[aimicon] or $post[msnicon] or $post[yahooicon] or $post[skypeicon]"><div class="info">$post[icqicon] $post[aimicon] $post[msnicon] $post[yahooicon] $post[skypeicon]</div></if>
But it's not really a solution, is it? Is there a better way to get it working?