[vBTEAM] CometChat v1.1

Having a weird one here!
Installed v1.1 and when a user is logged in all is fine and dandy. Works perfectly in Safari, FF and IE7/8.
However, when a user is NOT logged in there are still no problems with FF and Safari, but with IE 7/8 the domain URL changes to

I have checked all the paths thoroughly, and for any other mistakes.
Also, tried installing onto one of my live sites (running vB3.8.2) with the same results.
Any ideas guys??
I'm not sure if anyone can help but can anyone assist with the standalone version?

*Moderators, I'm sorry if you dont allow requests here.
Got this and it works perfectly really really really impressed with ti BUT is there away just so so payed members to my forum can view this?
psilocybin said:
Here you go!

hi i get the adds in the bottom buy this chat any remove ?
and i cant enter the message , i type a message but if i press enter nothing happeness

A few people have sent me a PM as ive got it fully working saying they still have a link in the left to BUY CHAT, this is a dead link, as it sais in the read me folder edit the correct files this can say/link to whatever you want it to! This doesn't mean that CometChat is not working properly and you need to buy it!
dark_hunter - Sorry i meant to come back on and say i sorted this, just wierd it went all funny as soon as i installed the mod. Problem sorted now though ;)
Probably going to show, for all the World to see, my total ignorance of coding matters :(

Is there any way to call the script (the bit that goes in the footer) only if the user is logged in, something along the lines of
if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])

or am I talking out the back of my hat?
sorry but its not showing "whos online" for me its always "0 online" but my friends are connected there is anyway to fix that please ???
I used to have that problem as well. I deleted the folder, and reuploaded everything, also deleted the 2 tables in the database. Re-installed and all works now. try that.
cornishman said:
Probably going to show, for all the World to see, my total ignorance of coding matters :(

Is there any way to call the script (the bit that goes in the footer) only if the user is logged in, something along the lines of
if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])

or am I talking out the back of my hat?

yes you'd wrap the code in

<if condition="!$bbuserinfo['userid']"> </if>

I may be shooting for the stars here..

But I've set it up so that the user has the option to show or hide the Chat. My question is, would there be a way to set them offline if they hide the chat, because I've noticed that even though it's hidden, they still show online.
sdotone said:
yes you'd wrap the code in

<if condition="!$bbuserinfo['userid']"> </if>

I may be shooting for the stars here..

But I've set it up so that the user has the option to show or hide the Chat. My question is, would there be a way to set them offline if they hide the chat, because I've noticed that even though it's hidden, they still show online.

No, that would make the bar show up only if you aren't logged in. :P

Wrap the footer code with this:

<if condition="$bbuserinfo['userid']"> </if>
can someone share how yo go about allow users to select if they want to have the bar present or not. for some users with slower machines. it causes slow page loading. and some users just don't want to use it while others do.
ChanceEncounter said:
No, that would make the bar show up only if you aren't logged in. :P

Wrap the footer code with this:

<if condition="$bbuserinfo['userid']"> </if>

Didn't catch that =] it was just a copy and paste.
BlackLizard said:
can someone share how yo go about allow users to select if they want to have the bar present or not. for some users with slower machines. it causes slow page loading. and some users just don't want to use it while others do.

I achieved this by creating a new Single-Selection Radio Button Profile Field. With the options of "Yes" & "No".

Then wrapped all cometchat code in this

<if condition="$bbuserinfo[fieldX] == 'Yes">


X of course being the Profile Field # of the new Profile Field you created.

The thing about this is for those that have it on their friends who have set it off will still be listed as online. So there would have to be some extra coding here.. And that just exceeds passed my limitations.
Harping back to THIS POST where I explained the problem I am having when using version 1.1
Even when I add the logged in conditional I am getting the error when using IE 6/7.
I have discovered that it is the sound (beep) that is causing it.
I'm trying to cut this damn thing out of the cometchat.js but with virtually no success at the moment. I simply don't know enough about this scripting. :(