[vBTEAM] CometChat v1.1

heres screenshots.


and yes its better than shoutbox. This is a 1 on 1 messenger just like facebook.
Dang I got here to late to grab a copy so we can work on the new install file, crap. Dang me and having to cut my lawn today.
Error 404 said:
@ Wiseman, yes the most annoying part of this script is a reload when you go to topic/surf forum... on the Facebook, that chat bar doesnt reload.. And as i said earlier, why doesnt the creator makes this chatbar in some kind of <iframe> or sth..

because facebook is ajax and doesnt reload the entire page like vb does.
anyone still having a problem with the friend listing being empty even when there are friend in the vbulletin friend list.

Not working for me.
Ajax sends a request without reloading the browser. It reloads because he used divs and not iframes, iframes open it as an inline window thus it doesn't reload when you refresh the browser. Its the same issue with the mysql_select_db(); function in the cometchat_ini.php thats why I was saying that it needs to be reuploaded so I can take a look at the files if you have a copy rs or mu it so I can look at the files until its reuploaded
There is some CSS bugs:

here is the original from the main website:

Here is mine

Any fix please?

See go offline table and i'm available table.
Ok i found out what's missing, add this to your cometchat.css
.cometchat_tabsubtitle{border-right:1px solid #333;border-left:1px solid #333;background-color:#eee;padding:5px;font-family:"lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif;font-size:9px;color:#666;}
I found a new bug, when you close the chat window from the upper X, it coloses forever
When you close the chat window while it's minimized from the bottom bar, it never closes

any fix please ????

This bug is only in our version, on main site works fine.
I see well it should work fine the x is for closing the chat. Does it close the chat when its mini? Sorry havent tested it yet I will later on, thanks for the css fix ant is slacking on his pimpin, lol.
I'm having the following message "Please login to use Comet Chat"

I'm loged in and i have cleared the cookie!!

how to fix?