vBSEO v3.2.0 PHP NULL-Draxofavalon AND Sitemap gerator [Custom]

I get this error in the step 2

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare x2yzseo_get_group_info() (previously declared in /customers/myweb.com/myweb.com/httpd.www/includes/functions_x2yzseo_vb.php:764) in /customers/myweb.com/myweb.com/httpd.www/includes/functions_x2yzseo_vb.php on line 822

please help :(
IF someone wants to install sitemap generator on 3.8.0 gold and you get a error like this FROM vb_groupmessage
WHERE groupid='4';
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'groupid' in 'where clause'

you have to
find this in vbseo_sitemap_functions.php file:
             $tcount = $db->query_first("
                 SELECT count(*)as cnt,max(dateline) as lastupdate
                 FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "groupmessage
                 WHERE groupid='$rrow[groupid]'

replace with

             $tcount = $db->query_first("
                 SELECT count(*)as cnt,max(dateline) as lastupdate
                 FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "groupmessage AS groupmessage
                 LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "discussion AS discussion ON (groupmessage.discussionid = discussion.discussionid)
                 WHERE discussion.groupid='$rrow[groupid]'

From all the problem posts, this modification of VBSEO obviously has some problems.

MODS: shouldn't this thread and it's associated attachment be locked or deleted? Has anyone been able to use this version successfully?
works fine with 3.8.1

but i had the redirect problem:
domain.com/sitemap_index.xml.gz returns 404

here is the fix ("vbseo_sitemap" should be added in .htaccess rewrite rule):
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(admincp/|modcp/|chat|cron|x2yzseo_sitemap/)
RewriteRule ^(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ x2yzseo.php [L,QSA]
It actually worked fine without any fixes, only problem there is now is that it doesnt show any javascripts. Anyone had the same issue?