vBCredits 1.4rc1 Copyright Removal

Dragonlordgod said:
Well, I of course removed it from The phrases/languages.

Lol, Extreme are you joking? You can already get sued for using illegal vbulletins which is most likely everyone here is using.

hell ya, you can get sued for anything used over here, but thats just the beauty of it, why pay when there's vbteam around.....
So they were a little tricky about this - I myself needed to move $cronimage elsewhere in my template - unfortunately that meant the vBcredits would go along with it. This was undesired so I looked into manually removing it - then re-adding it back down in the footer.

I found the following -

Copy the copyright so you can re-add it to the footer once you're done.
open - credits_plugins.php - in your plugins folder
remove -
$vbulletin->templatecache[$displayanount] = str_replace('$cronimage', '$cronimage' . addslashes(base64_decode($vbulletin->options['credits_' . credits(array(0x64, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x63, 0x68))])), $vbulletin->templatecache[$displayanount]);

save document - upload - add old copyright to the footer, wherever you desire