Post Here: Don't know the name / Can't find the modification

I need a Hack for Rating Posts...

It should be possible to rate every single post of a user and to show for which post the rating was given...

I've found iTrader now...
I don't know this mod name... I try to search using keywords which I think I might find it, but i couldn't.

That is a store, which we can trade it to hide the ads, change own or others avatar, change username, usertitle, and so on.
also we can show richest user from http : // forum name .com / w_store.php?do=showrichest and show other things too..

Well, in the picture show Webpoint and GaulPoint. The WebPoint still no function but the GaulPoint is earn when we do a new thread. Donators will earn 2 point, and other group will earn 3 point and so on.

I need a hack like that..
also if someone Referal others, they'll get points too...
if possible..
Umm, i am looking for Application Forms (Staff Applications)
Something similar to this one, would be good (Even tho this is for IPB) :


Thank you.
How can i remove the footer version display ?

Like for example other vb sites i go to have version not displayed.

Powered by vBulletin® 
Copyright ©2000 - 2009, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.
<br />

Mine displays like this

Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.8.1
Copyright ©2000 - 2009, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.
<br />

Any help would be greatly appreciated and thx for your time.
AdminCP -> Language & Phrases -> Phrase Manager -> Search for text "copyright", and you will then see your self how easy to change copyright yourself.

Hope that help.
Wassap said:
AdminCP -> Language & Phrases -> Phrase Manager -> Search for text "copyright", and you will then see your self how easy to change copyright yourself.

Hope that help.

Thx for the fast reply and for the help that was exactly what i was lookin for :)
I want a mod that is like this...i will explaiinn...

When u try to enter in forum....there apears a login form.....directly.......u cant se the forum before login or registering...... ????
Corolex said:
I don't know this mod name... I try to search using keywords which I think I might find it, but i couldn't.

That is a store, which we can trade it to hide the ads, change own or others avatar, change username, usertitle, and so on.
also we can show richest user from http : // forum name .com / w_store.php?do=showrichest and show other things too..

Well, in the picture show Webpoint and GaulPoint. The WebPoint still no function but the GaulPoint is earn when we do a new thread. Donators will earn 2 point, and other group will earn 3 point and so on.

I need a hack like that..
also if someone Referal others, they'll get points too...
if possible..

I'm still waiting for this mod...
Any similar mod will be fine. thank you