hey folks, i am looking for a hack that enables you to put a "new" icon on top of anything newly inserted into the forum. i dont know what it is called or whether it is a hack or a mod ./.... could someone help me?
i have seen it on some forums that when a new function or addition is added, the admins put a star with "NEW" written in it so that people can know what new has been added.
I saw a mod/hack at exbii.com (formally xboard.us)
Its call Live Thread or Live Reply
When u click it...the thread will become like a chat window. when ppl post it'll show immediatly, u dont need to REFREASH the page to see new reply.
Anybody have a clue what this hack is? I mostly see it as part of a signature but have not been able to find it or any reference to what it might be called?
Forgot to mention, it displays the "viewers" IP address, not the poster. Interesting hack. I think it might be a service I have seen before but this hack doesn't show anything about a vendor.
To see the content of the post, you must first click THANKS, and than the post is shown. I thought it works just for guest, but it's also for the members.You must first click THANKS, to see the content of the post. Who can help me about this hack please?