New Member
TsuQi said:anybody know about this hack ?
change a default mouse cursor in forumhome
change with a animated cursor, or flag cursor
or image cursor
i dunno wat is it
i think this will help you
TsuQi said:anybody know about this hack ?
change a default mouse cursor in forumhome
change with a animated cursor, or flag cursor
or image cursor
i dunno wat is it
KnoPPerS said:Hey,
i search A chop or Template edit that the index of my forum looks approximately in such a way
Forum :: Main Index | Gaia Online
more exactly said which I can make to each category a picture with a text.
Any Idea?
Best regards
nush said:im not sure what it is called but i seen it on another forum. its a shoutbox but it says
Notice: The shoutbox is updated to a new version. You can now use private chat by clicking on the username in the shoutbox!!!
Can some1 please get me this shoutbox where you can private chat to members to
tr1p said:i have this one dun no it works on u or not![]()
mynamesbob said:the hack that this forum has. the "Apply To Be A Moderator" Hack
faizalperu said:can someone tell me, is this sidebar a addon or a style used in hxxp://www.vbulletin-faq.com/forum/
if this a sidebar addon, please give me the name of addon or just give me the file if you have it.
SpeedFreak said:As far as i know this is in the style... you need to search for a style that has this or change the templates but this is the difficult way lol