[Ajax] Check for similar thread before posting a new one


New Member
You love the 'similar threads' function and you are sick of duplicate threads just because your users don't use the search function?

Why not just combine them?

This Add-on will grab the thread title the user typed in and it will load a small box (using Ajax magic ) with 5 similar threads just like the 'similar threads' function that you can normally find under an already posted thread.

The box also tells the user to search through the similar threads first BEFORE starting a new one.

- indicated if you already subscribed to one or more similar threads
- hover over the title and it gives a little preview of the thread's content
- no edits whatsoever needed, just import the product file, enable the Add-on and it works (well, it should )
- you can turn it off for certain forums or
- you can turn it off completely without leaving any code that messes your templates/files
- it can be translated
- don't like it anymore? Remove the product and you'll never see that Add-on again

Known issues:
- none

Things to consider:

It uses jQuery to get the information from ajax.php. jQuery is great and you can do many great things with it and unlike the vBulletin method it's quite easy to understand.
The jQuery file is compressed and only 20kb large.
To download the file, visit the homepage at jQuery: The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library
The link to download the file is on the right hand side.

Here's the version I use: http://code.google.com/p/jqueryjs/do...s&downloadBtn=

Just download the file from the location and put it into the 'clientscript' folder on your server without renaming the file.

Download jQuery as described above.
Import the attached file using the Product Manager. Go to your vBulletin settings and search for 'Check for similar threads?'. Enable it.

It adds 2 new templates, it changes 1 template and it edits 2 files. I highly doubt that it will break you vBulletin but do a back-up and be on the safe side.

Version history:
2.0 -> this release
1.0 -> outdated (made for vB 3.6.*)
hmm it doesn't seem to we working right, i entered in a title that i know exists and yet nothing happened its stuck with this message:

Notice: When you enter a thread title the system will search for similar threads which have already been posted. That should help you to find answers.

any ideas?
Also, It's missing something cause when i enabled the product i notice in the loading area that its loading my 404 error page, Iv went through my code and my forums aren't missing anything, it only does it when the product is enabled so something gotta be missing in the product.
i just imported the product, enabled it and it worked on every custom skin aswell.

did you upload the jscript to your clientscript folder?


this is how it works

a person types the title, then when they click into the box to type the post it starts loading

clicking the post box is a trigger basically, it doesnt just search after every letter you type in the title
yep, i uploaded the file and i even tried the newest version and editted the templates and all that and still nothin... its just stuck with that message.. hmm this would be nice but it just doesn't work for me :/
hmm weird, i tried it on the default template as well with no modifications and still it wont work, looks like this needs some work huh? i'm usin 3.8.0. GOLD what you usin?
hmm good question, i dont think i have that enabled.. why does it matter?? i didn't think it did, also enabling that slows down your forums a little so that's why i didn't turn it on.

how do you have yours setup?
ok so i enabled all the required things including automatic search for new threads and still nothing.. it's gotta be the product cause i followed the instructions word for word..
the hack uses the similar threads to function. you definitely need it turned on

maybe its something to do with your host?

i imported it on a fresh install of vb3.8 gold and it just worked
yes i have it enabled the automatic search for simular threads and simular threads options and still nothing, i tried it on a fresh install and still nothing so i don't know...