[3.8.2] Ambient_Lighting Blue [TheProphet]


New Member
This is a vBTEAM exclusive do not post else where!!

[3.8.2]Ambient Lighting Blue v2.0

!!! Pay a little respect and "Thank Me" if you like this style and me continue to porting and ripping styles !!!

!!! No Thanks = No Support !!!

* Include Severall Template hacks.
  • Auto Remember Me.
  • Smiliebox - Move Smilies Below Editor.
  • Icons for UserCP Navbar (added true the whole style).
  • Nice Login Form With Lock Image.
  • Added a Blanc Logo.
  • Added a Post Thanks Button.
  • Guest Floating Bar and icons.


  1. I made with this style a very detailed installation instruction document. See the Docs directory.

Optional if you running the "post_thanks_7_7" hack.
Import the "product_thanked_ambient_3_8.xml" i made for this style.
Import the language file thanked-phrases-postbit.xml (select English).
See Postbit picture for result on this.

Main style layout:

Local Date & Time

Guest Notice for: Forgot Password, Forgot Username & Create New Account.

Pictures added around the whole style, based on the Icons for UserCP Navbar Hack.

Lock Image Hack with "Auto Remember Me":

Improved Smiliebox Under Editor Hack with optional PNG icons and smilies:

Postbit Legacy "Thanks Hack" (Optional)
amazing skin! I was wondering if you can post the big button image to edit it. My Board is in spanish, so I want to modify that button.

Beautiful work! I love the floating login bar, nice and annoying to guest :), exactly what I was looking for. Now, if there were just a red one ;)
Damn man why u gotta make good styles than ruin them with adding ur own mods!! Thats not styling thats modding! Not good, doesnt take into consideration that there are peolpe who wants these mods that are good (good enough so that you use them) but don't only use just 1 skin! Which is basically everyone on a vb hacks forum!! Please act wisely and release regular versions.


@ lilfabbro you gotta adjust the "width" variable it is the first option that is a single-box (not with lines of code) in the "All Style Options" of the skin. Or if that doesn't work you need to find the "width" variable in the header code on that same page and change it. Possibly multiple instances.