Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap fails but imap_open works


New Member
I have written some code to fetch emails from a Gmail mailbox using Zend_Storage_Mail_Imap library. Till now, it was running fine on the development server (where imap_open was disabled). After I moved it to production(imap_open is enabled), the script has stoppped to work. Do I need to disable imap_open for it to work ? UPDATE: Apparently, the issue is that of fsockopen(). The actual error message is:Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception with message 'cannot connect to host; error = Connection Timed Out (errno = 110)'The relevant values in PHP.ini are:allow_url_fopen = ondefault_socket_timeout = 600 (on production) and 60 (on development)I did find out, that inside the /library/Zend/Mail/Protocol/Imap.php, the timeout is mentioned as "const TIMEOUT_CONNECTION = 30".