Zend_DB_Select - How to write this SQL Statement


New Member
Good Morning,i have some Trouble with the Zend Framework and Zend_DB_Select, i want to usethis (Working) SQL Statement as Zend DB Select Statement :\[code\]select oslangfrom oslang, oswhere oslang.oslang_id = os.oslang_id and ossubversion_id = 1\[/code\]I have tryed to following but it doenst work :\[code\]try { $select = $this->_db->select() ->from('OSLANG') ->from('OS') ->where("OSLANG.OSLANG_ID = OS.OSLANG_ID") ->where("OSSUBVERSION_ID = ?", $subVersionId); $results = $select->query()->fetchAll(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_logException($e); $results = array(); }\[/code\]it must be possible that more than one OS is associated with an OSLANG_IDDoes someone has an nice idea where my error is ?