Zend_Db: Prepared statement not processing parameters


New Member
I am using Zend_Db with the Pdo_Mysql driver. This query does not give any results:\[code\]$s = $db->prepare('SELECT ET.id FROM elementTypes AS ET, language AS L1 WHERE L1.strId = ET.dispName AND L1.language = ?');$s->execute(array(2)); pr($s->fetchAll());\[/code\]If I hardcode the parameter, the expected rows are returned.What is going on here? Edit: Here's a stripped down script with even simpler queries: http://pastebin.com/84UtcGGZ Eidt 2: I have drilled further down and found that the problem lies with PDO and comparing ENUMS with ints. See this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/...ql-enum-using-integers-in-prepared-statementsIf you know any fixes/workarounds on how to get this to work on Zend_Db, please post! :)**