Zend with existing Propel ORM


New Member
I'm working on converting a rather large (but somewhat simple) app from Symfony to Zend, large because of the DB. This is also my first Zend project, but it seems to be going well so far. The app is simple, the DB is fairly complex (I foresee many hours of datamapping ahead if done manually). I have all the original source code that was done using the Symfony FW. The original uses propel and works (and has over 200 models mapping the DB, 272 at quick glance).My DB tables have dependent row after row, I am also reusing the original DB structure...straight import of tables/schema, so I imagine that the original propel would still work fine in that respect.My question(s) is/are, would it be time well spent trying to reuse the propel section of the old app w/ my new Zend based version of the app? Should this be straight forward venture? If this could work, it may remove many sleepless nights from my life :)