Zend Soap Client error: Failed to enable crypto


New Member
Hey guys, I'm using the Zend Soap Client library to consume a webservice, like this:\[code\]$wsdl = "path_to_wsdl_file";$client = new Zend_Soap_Client($wsdl);$client->nfeRecepcaoLote();\[/code\]And I'm receiving the following errors:\[code\]Warning (2): SoapClient::__doRequest() [soapclient.--dorequest]: Failed to enable crypto [CORE/vendors/plugins/nfe/vendors/Zend/Soap/Client.php, line 987]Warning (2):SoapClient::__doRequest() [soapclient.--dorequest]: connect() failed: Unspecified error [CORE/vendors/plugins/nfe/vendors/Zend/Soap/Client.php, line 987\[/code\]Does anyone know what it can possibly be? The host of the webservice is this:https://homologacao.nfe.ms.gov.br/homologacao/services/NfeRecepcaoand I'm using PHP 5.2.6 and Ubuntu 9.10.Best regards,Z