Zclip on multiple inputs


New Member
I'm trying to implement zclip to copy input's content into clipboard.There is 20 text inputs on the page like this:\[code\]<input type="text" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7333993/content to copy..." /><input type="text" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7333993/another content to copy..." />\[/code\]And I came up with this jQuery code:\[code\]jQuery(function() { jQuery("input[type=text]").click(function() { var link = jQuery(this).val(); jQuery(this).zclip({ path: '/img/ZeroClipboard.swf', copy: link }); });});\[/code\]In the Javascript console I get this error:Uncaught TypeError: Property '$' of object [object DOMWindow] is not a function.How can I get this working?Thx