YUI2 data table not loading newer data in IE8 after it was loaded for the first time


New Member
I am using \[code\]YUI 2\[/code\] together with \[code\]MVC 3\[/code\] with \[code\]Razor\[/code\]. I am using the \[code\]data table\[/code\]. I am coding on \[code\]IE 8\[/code\] and \[code\]FireFox 6\[/code\].Here is my data source JavaScript code:\[code\]var dtCategoriesDataSource;var yui2DataSource = YAHOO.util.DataSource;dtCategoriesDataSource = new yui2DataSource('/Administration/Category/JsonGetParentCategoryList');dtCategoriesDataSource.responseType = yui2DataSource.TYPE_JSON;dtCategoriesDataSource.responseSchema = { resultsList: 'DataResultSet', fields: [ { key: 'Id', formatter: yui2DataTable.formatNumber }, { key: 'Name' }, { key: 'IsActiveDisplay' }, { key: 'Actions' } ]};\[/code\]My action method to supply the data to the data table:\[code\]public ActionResult JsonGetParentCategoryList(){ IEnumerable<Category> categoryList = categoryService.GetAll(); // Mapping IEnumerable<CategoryViewModel> viewModelList = (IEnumerable<CategoryViewModel>)categoryMapper.Map( categoryList, typeof(IEnumerable<Category>), typeof(IEnumerable<CategoryViewModel>) ); JsonEncapsulatorDto<CategoryViewModel> data = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7631554/new JsonEncapsulatorDto<CategoryViewModel> { DataResultSet = viewModelList }; return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);}\[/code\]The data table is loaded in my \[code\]Index\[/code\] view and a category is added on my \[code\]Create\[/code\] view.\[code\]Internet Explorer\[/code\]When I add a new category in IE then it gets added to the database, no issues with this. When the grid loads for the first time it goes into \[code\]JsonGetParentCategoryList\[/code\] action method and populates the data table. If I were to refresh the page then it doesn't go into the \[code\]JsonGetParentCategoryList\[/code\] action method, but the grid is still loaded. If I were to add another category and then go back to my data table then it doesn't want to load the newer categories (after the data table was loaded for the first time).\[code\]FireFox\[/code\]In FireFox the opposite happens. When I load the Index for the first time the data table is loaded with categories. When I add a new category and go back to the data table then the newer categories are all loaded (even after the first time the grid was loaded).Why is this the case and how would I solve it? Is it something that needs to be set in IE? I hope not because if my website has many users then I can't go and tell every user to adjust the setting. Is it maybe something in the YUI data table that I need to set?