Yet another New Guy! Hello!


New Member

My name is Ash, and as I am sure it is painfully obvious I a really new to these message boards.

So I thought I better go ahead and introduce myself. Mainly because I thought making contacts would be a great way to meet new people, make some new friends and find others I can help and vise versa.

I live in Australia, I just started working for a hosting company called & wanted to meet other people in the same field.

I also currently work part-time as a film producer. So I am pretty busy most of the time but I love it.
I hope to talk with you all soon, have a great day!
Welcome Thank you. Nice to meet you.
I am still exploring the site and it is really good.
I am very impressed.
The threads are actually enjoyable to read.
Definitely coming back here on a daily basis
But knowing me, it'll soon turn hourly. that`ll happen to all of us. Welcome to the Forum!
Welcome to IMR Ash ...
Hello & welcome,

I'm sure you'll like it here

Joanie Hi ash, and welcome! Greetings from the UK - just hope yo don't like Rugby.
Welcome !!! ; NO OFFENSE but i think JS has to disallow nicknames w/ .com .net .org ect... ash, this 2 letter domain of yours ; you can't renew it since that new stuff w/ 2 letter domains ; iread an article saying that you cannot renew a 2 letters domain or to register a new one... whats up ash Hi everyone,

Thanks for the replies.

Yo samer, no offense taken. Nice to meet ya tho!

I, Brian - I actually don't like Rugby, it's not my sport!

Didn't the British kick our asses anyway?

I prefer non-confrontational sports... gimme Snowboarding any day!
Except the days when there is no snow...Because then it's just a disaster!


Have a Great Day people! Hello! Welcome!