YAY! 3 days online and booming!!


New Member
Non profits with a good cause, and the right distribution can get really good results within not much time at all, check this one out;


And that's only the start, but the site will be of not much use (instead for historical value) after 7th of May. (Bush is visiting my country that day)

tons of posters and tons of flyers with the url will be distributed in Holland the next two weeks and this will add some traffic too.

There's nothing that beats a good cause for natural link building.
Nice job, ferre!

"worst president ever"

dutch ? can't understand... It's about a huge demonstration in Amsterdam to show how thankful we are that our government is welcomming war criminals to our country. We really love them for that. The last time we celebrated our government and their treason of our constitution this way was only a few months ago and brought a few hundred thousend people together on the Amsterdam streets.

See, we Dutchies really appreciate "allies" who make this kind of laws:

' American Service-members' Protection Act (ASPA) ' (By US government officials also known as: ' Hague Invasion Act ')

Quote: “The President is authorized to use all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any person described in subsection (b) who is being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at request of the International Criminal Court.