Yahoo/Bing webmaster related accounts?


New Member
Does yahoo/bing offer webmaster related accounts, like, where webmasters can track their keywords ,searches, errors , etc? Bing does. It allows you basically the same things that Google offers. If you go to You can sign up there and go through all of the information. Hope that helps. only bing provide with same webmaster account that google does. also yahoo doesn't provide with any webmaster but provide us analytic account to track analytic of website Yahoo also provided Site Explorer( but it's now merged with Bing Webmaster( Quote: Your data is not yet available because your account is new and we need more time to gather the data.
Bing Webmaster Tools requires up to three days to extract index data for our charts. Other data, such as traffic queries, can take up to a week to appear in the tools. This is because we don’t start collecting that specific site data for the tools until you have successfully registered your site, and once done, we then begin to monitor that data flow. Cool, so who is the big brother company now? MSN or Google?! lol