xsl variable in another frame


New Member
I have a leftframe and a right frame.

The right frame is displaying the contents of an XML file via XSL. I would like to click on a button in the left frame, and change the right frame, but use a variable from the XML file to dynamically value the link.

I am hoping that the XSL might do the following in the right frame:

<xsl:template match="/"><html>
<script language="JAVASCRIPT">
var HoldKey=<xsl:value-ofselect="MAINRECORD/CUSTOMER/@id"/>
..............more whatever......

In this way, I have the value I need stored in the variable HoldKey.

Then, in my left frame, I have something like the following:

<A HREF=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"javascript:location='leftmain.Html';
parent.rightside.location='editrec.html'" + "&HoldKey=" + parent.rightside.HoldKey>

I know this doesn't work, but is it possible to do this somehow?
I need to catch the variable from the current rightframe page, and pass it in the link on the current leftframe page, and open a new rightframe page that will recieve the variable and use it?

Thanks for any and all help!