www version and non www version?


New Member
One of the site which I work have two versions of URL. ezslimdia.com and "www.ezslimdia.com". Both URL takes to the same page. When i check for back links for the URLs the back link count differs. Anyone suggest a solution for this problem. Will this affect my ranking? Can i do a 301 redirect from ezslimdia.com to "www.ezslimdia.com" Quote: Originally Posted by marshal france http://www.v7n.com/forums/seo-forum/278858-www-version-non-www-version.html#post1768600

According to me this is the issue of canonicalization and site owner has to resolved this error because google consider it as a different site and it is also affect our site ranking in search engine.It also generate different backlinks. Both version of the URL are different in the eyes of Google. It is best you do a 301 redirect to the www version of the URL. If you are using Apache server make use of .htaccess file and if windows server make use of webconfig file to have it redirected. Sure you have to use 301 redirect, both the url goes to same page but the ranking wise it will affect