[WST] Pixaria Gallery 2.0


New Member
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« official release
Another Fine Release by WST
Nuller: Kakalot
Program Name    : Pixaria Gallery
Release Version : 2.0
Release Type	: Image Gallery
Prog Author	: Jamie Longstaff
WST Rel Date    : Oct 30, 2007
Home Page       : http://www.pixaria.com
Retail Price    : $239
WST Price       : Always 100% free
Supplied by     : Kakalot
Nulled by       : Kakalot
Tested by       : Kakalot
Project by      : WST
Distribution    : via WST distros/dumps
Protection      : Hotlinks, Copyrights
Compatibility   : Win32/Linux/Unix
Language        : PHP
Requirements    : PHP/MySQL
Documentation   : Read doc/installation.txt
Online Demo     : http://www.pixaria.com/index.demo.php
Script Info:
Pixaria Gallery is a powerful system enabling professional photographers 
to publish and sell images and products based on them on their websites. 
Pixaria allows you to sell images using configurable presets or by providing 
quotes and backs this up with support for selling physical products. 
Completed orders can be paid for using PayPal, cheque or cash when a price 
has been agreed or calculated and integrated tools for managing transactions are included. 
Pixaria features comprehensive tools for managing your image library allowing you to create 
galleries, manipulate image metadata and protect your images using a comprehensive user and 
group management system. Image library management.. 

Greets to: Everyone in script scene!
WDYL | DGT and the rest of bad fuckers!
1. We are not 0-day releasers, you may not distribute
ANY of our releases for 21 days after release date.
2. After 21 days, you may share, post/upload among
your private friends.
3. If script supplier does not want the script he has
provided to be shared at all, releaser must mark
the script as a "WSO Release," both in nfo and in
release archive file name, it must NOT be shared with
anyone, no matter what amount of time has elapsed; please respect
supplier's wishes.
4. WSTeam reserves the right to distribute our own
WST releases as we see fit. If WST release is marked as
"WSO" then "WSO" policies apply.
5. Do not sell, trade, barter or exchange our releases.
6. Do not delete or edit the comments that come in the nfo
file or rename the archived file.
7. If you like this script, support developer and buy it!
WS Team is a group of professional crackers (nullifiers)
and other supportive members striving to maintain the quality
of CGI/Perl/PHP/ASP script releases.

At present you may send any scripts for private nulling to
email below. We know the importance you place on your
purchased script and rest assured it will be handled with
great discretion and care by our professional team.

Currently we are looking for
~Scripts owners, host admins, anyone having access to scripts
~Professional Programmers (nullers) (PHP, Perl)
~Carders, crackers, hackers

If you think you fit in such a group and you are willing to
help us make WST a better releasing group, feel free to
contact us by email at [email protected], and tell us about
you and your skills ;)
We are a non-profit organization and do not condone the sale
of pirated software. If you like the software, please
Do not use our email(s) in this nfo to send mails regarding
any of the following topics:
-Missing files
-Non-understood instructions
-Non-working Scripts
-New version of a Scripts
We are not a company, that's why we do not have a customer
support division. If you want help, support, manuals, etc.,
go buy the software you want to use.

Emails from the above category, will simply be ignored.
Email Address 1 ....... [[email protected]]
Web Page 1 ............ [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
ICQ ................... [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Irc Channel/EFnet ..... [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Other ................. [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
- End-User License Agreement -
The user assumes the entire risk of using the program.
nfo by Sacrosam
updated 10/05/07