Would you eat a monkey?

The funny thing is that the monkeys that are used for consumption by those tribes have it better off than the cattle that gets abused every day in this country! If I were living with the tribe I would of course eat it. I see no ethical reason not to. You eat what is available and anyone who starves or expects other to starve because they're eating donkey kong, or bugs bunny, or mister ed, or daffy duck, or cow and chicken, or pikachu will only understand when faced with the same situation. I would try it, just like I've tried pig meat.
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Monkeys r to cute to eat. that wud b like me eatin a human. i heard that if you drink monkey blood or taste it by accident in the meat it can give you aids. it's true look it up.