why the google search result "Supplemental Result"

Mr Creek

New Member
Hi all Recently i got some problem with google search results,usually i am typing "site:www.mysitename.com " in the googles search box then i got some result about 280 pages indexed by google, but recently i noted that the indexed results decreases mostly day by day, i don't know why. dose anyone explain the reason and how can i solve the prob.thanks in advance.Mohapreviously my post. but recently i noted that the indexed results decreases mostly day by day, and "Supplemental Result" increased a lot,my site was almost 3 years old before that my site has a good PR and mostly has no "Supplemental Result" . how can i understand this ?thanksI wish I could give you an an exact reason as to why the number of pages of your website indexed by Google is dropping, however, the only thing I can think of is that Google is constantly updating and over time certain changes do occur.Has your site dropped in the SERPS? Are you seeing less traffic?I have found that my best bet to keeping Google interested in my websites is to update the data often, make certain that I have the appropriate back links and to constantly work on a back link building campaign.Maybe someone else might have a better answer but I wish you luck in your online marketing endeavors I would say this dropping is happen as the result of campaign on the search engines. For sure this would be happen frequently cause any search engine is updating their result time by time, that is why knowledge of SEO will be an important thing to maintain the result.Supplemental results are the secondary index next to the primary index where google stores your web pages...You could read about Supplemental Results And How To Beat It.Thanks Manish Pandey,I was looking for more information about Supplemental results. I could not yet find the reasons why some of the content rich pages are Supplemental results when some other pages are not Supplemental results. But I believe that by having more internal link, you will be able to reduce Supplemental results.Well there could be many reasons to fall in to the supplemental result index. Duplicate content, links that were before and now they are not from any of the pages of your website!If your site is facing duplicate content issue then try removing it and if your website dropped links to few pages try linking them again!Take careManish