Why is this HTML causing the page to go blank


New Member
I'm using jQuery to do a $.get request.\[code\]$.get(url, {}, function (result) { $('#FactsheetTabs .tab_container div:visible').fadeOut(100, function () { $('#FactsheetTabs .tab_container') .html(result) .fadeIn(100);});\[/code\]The response object contains (among other stuff) the following HTML:\[code\]<img id="VB_2wCo_bvai" name="VB_2wCo_bvai" width="570" height="243" style="border:0;" usemap="#imVB_2wCo_bvai" src="http://ie-sv-corda72:2001/?@_CPRVB_2wCo_bvai" /> // this URL is to an image on one of our internal servers\[/code\]The problem is that with Firefox or Chrome (as I can see in Firebug's Net tab), after the \[code\].html(result)\[/code\] function executes, the browser starts a brand new reqeust to get the image.. and this just results in a blank page showing up in the browser, rather than the new HTML rendering on the screen with the image.Has anyone seen an issue like this before? Any idea how to resolve this?Edit: The complete response code is as follows:\[code\]<script type="text/javascript"> var put1006635006Props; var put1747344981Props; var put518384227Props; function getImageMap208345221() { put1006635006Props = new PopUpProperties; put1006635006Props.width = 400; put1006635006Props.textColor = "#000000"; put1006635006Props.textSize = "12.0"; put1006635006Props.textFont = "Helvetica"; put1006635006Props.fillColor = "#ffffe1"; put1006635006Props.borderColor = "#000000"; put1006635006Props.hpos = LEFT; put1006635006Props.vpos = ABOVE; put1006635006Props.justification = "LEFT"; put1747344981Props = new PopUpProperties; put1747344981Props.width = 400; put1747344981Props.textColor = "#000000"; put1747344981Props.textSize = "12.0"; put1747344981Props.textFont = "Helvetica"; put1747344981Props.fillColor = "#ffffe1"; put1747344981Props.borderColor = "#000000"; put1747344981Props.hpos = CENTER; put1747344981Props.vpos = ABOVE; put1747344981Props.justification = "LEFT"; put518384227Props = new PopUpProperties; put518384227Props.width = 400; put518384227Props.textColor = "#000000"; put518384227Props.textSize = "12.0"; put518384227Props.textFont = "Helvetica"; put518384227Props.fillColor = "#ffffe1"; put518384227Props.borderColor = "#000000"; put518384227Props.hpos = RIGHT; put518384227Props.vpos = ABOVE; put518384227Props.justification = "LEFT"; document.writeln('<map name="imVB_2wCo_bvai" id="imVB_2wCo_bvai"><area shape="poly" coords="540,52,547,52,547,59,540,59,540,52" onmouseover="return showPopUp ? 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