Why does Obama want everyone else to share the wealth, while he holds onto most of his?

Even when making more than $250,000, he gave away less than 1 percent to charity until he became a millionaire.Looking at Obama's charitable giving in since 2000 based on his tax returns, we find that Obama consistently refused to follow his own advice to spread the wealth when he had the opportunity to do so. This is especially true in years when he made nearly $250,000 or more. Their contributions didn't increase until Barack Obama's extraordinary book deal helped make him a millionaire and Michelle Obama received nearly $200,000 raise in May 2005 when she assumed a new position with her employer as vice president of community and external affairs. <br />


New Member
How does he get to keep most of his, if he is part of the group that would be paying slightly higher taxes?

You know, at least he's only got one mansion for his family as opposed to 9...


New Member
Yawn. I could use one of McCain's houses -- you know, the ones he doesn't remember how many he has -- surely he wouldn't notice the one I took?


New Member
Because it applies to everyone but him....I don't get it and I wish more people would see him for what he is.


New Member
That is charity--thats not taxes you ignorant person you. His reason for this is get out of the 9 trillion dollars of debt that Bush,McCain have gotten us into!


New Member
He's the Messiah. Did Jesus give to the poor? Did Jesus do anything for the poor? Did Jesus ever donate anything?

Oh wait...


New Member
He didn't say share the wealth. He said spread the wealth around. Apparently you have misunderstood his ideas.

There are two warring economic plans the Republicans feel that if you make rich people richer, it will trickle down somehow to the middle class. The Democrats believe that if you strengthen the middle class, everyone will do well. If you like the way the Republican idea has worked out, vote for McCain. If you'd like to try the other way, which worked well under Clinton, vote for Obama.

Either way, there's no need to smear people.


New Member
Because all he wants is to be president of America.... and he will say anything and do anything to get people to vote for him. Obama's a liar, and there has been a lot of proof of that this election!


New Member
if you or your family has ever had money problems you wouldnt be asking such a dumb question...if i ever have money problems i want help.. OBAMA


New Member
To top it off, his brother lives off of $8 a week in Africa and is in sever poverty. My Brother's Keeper I think not.
Joe Biden has made over $2.5MM the past few years and has donated $3000. Yeah, its time to step up and be an American.
Both hypocrites in that realm.


New Member
Obama has a young family and didn't make very much money until the book deal. Is $250,000 a year very much money? According to you Republicans that's a middle class wage.


New Member
Certainly alot better than I can't remember how many houses I own John McCain(who owns 8 houses!) Whose trophy wife is worth over 100 million dollars.


New Member
I agree with you. The only option is to raise taxes on the wealthy.
Indeed, a half century ago, the White House hosted a GOP President ? Dwight D. Eisenhower ? who refused to push tax rate cuts for the high-income set. Throughout Ike's Presidency, the top tax rate on income over $400,000 stood at 91 percent.


New Member
Are you seriously trying to make the case that he will not pay income tax on his earnings including book royalties that place him very far about a 250K marginal rate?

They just get sillier and sillier.