Why do volleyball players hug each other EVERY time they win a point?


New Member
I'm sitting here watching the men's volleyball final (don't tell me the result, as it is on Australian TV I assume it happened three hours ago or something) and can't help but notice that the team get into a tight group and hug quite intimately whenever they win a point. This seems to be more than the normal high five or back slap you see in other relatively high-scoring games (e.g. basketball), but is almost soccer-like in its homo-erotic fervour. Can someone explain?<br />
the volleyball is on SBS<br />
Hey uh its kinda weird that the guys do it. But I'm guessing its just a way to get the team pumped.
Yes, volleyball is just as much mental as it is physical. It is easy to give up if you are not mentally in the game, and even a small decrease in enthusiasm can cost you the win. Giving each other hugs boosts their moral, just like a high-five when a point is lost helps let your teammate know that it is okay.
Just like in basketball, whenever a player shoots a free throw, he gets hi-fives from the team. It is something which was integrated into the sport, and will probably never change. Or else they are all gay for each other.
Two reasons, neither which have anything to do with homo eroticism.

1. As mentioned, you have to focus every point at high intensity in volleyball. It is a much more "stop/start" sport than basketball or soccer. Same way football players huddle before every snap, you get the team together to focus.

2. Communication In these huddles, each team is calling their defensive or offensive sets for the next point. They don't show it, but the team that didn't win the point is huddling as well for the same reason. There are a lot of things happening on a v-ball court and it is important for everyone on the floor to be on the same page and it is also important for the other team (standing a few feet away across the net) to NOT know anything, hence the tight huddle.