Why did JTP say he was playing football with his son and ...?


New Member
Obama approached him?<br />
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Obama did not go to JTP. Obama was talking to a bunch of people and JTP went to him. Here's the unedited video, not the one Fox News showed, or the one on youtube<br />
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http//blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/10/spread-the-weal.html<br />
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Obama spent 6 minutes explaining his tax plan in answer the man's question. Get on my case all you want, but it was McCain who put JTP in the limelight, not Obama. JTP could have refused the subsequent interviews, and continued celebrity.<br />


New Member
Because it was all a setup in the first place by McCain. Why can't the people see this. That's why he said his name 21 times at the last debate to help him in the polls. I think McCain is an idiot.


New Member
meaning..Obama approached him..in his neighborhood...cant you people get over it

And nutussi...if it was a set up by McCain, can you explain how they planted Obamas answer too...whos the Idiot..Lol


New Member
If everyone would just ignore the guy, he might go away. Keeping his name in the news is a Republican strategy...a dumb one, at that!


New Member
So your reasoning would be that JTP is obviously a plant because he crossed the street?

I don't know about you...but when I see a large group of people in my neighborhood..I investigate

I LOVE your reasoning....The man can walk!..He can't be credible!

You need to take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself Why am I trying to discredit someone who just asked a question?

The drama behind JTP was the ANSWER Obama gave..not the question...I mean..WTH man?


New Member
Why does it matter who, spoke to who? What is your point? He asked a simple question regardless if he was a plain old Joe, or working for the McCain campaign. He exposed your guy as a socialist and that is what bothers you the most.