Why are posts moved to trash without a reason or notification!


New Member
Why are posts moved to trash without a reason or notification!?

I posted a null of vb 3.7.4.pl1, and my post ended in trash, without a notification!

Is there a rule that says "Posting nulled scripts from others than GYSN or DGT is forbidden?"

If yes, plz let me know, i didn't see that!

I only saw that "We strongly advise everyone to use scripts nulled by GYSN or DGT posted by a Staff Member."

But this doesnt mean that we are not allowed to post scripts nulled other that DGT or?
Recently there have been several releases by other unknowns which have either not been nulled at all, have had errors, or are just ripoffs. Therefore, we will only allow vBulletin releases from vBTEAM, GYSN, and DGT because those are groups everyone can trust to release quality releases every time.

We'll see about putting up an announcement to let everyone know that this is vBTEAM's policy from here on out where it will be seen by all.