Whois.sc (Domaintools.com) working?


New Member
Whenever I try to check whois of any domain at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://whois.domaintools.com/domaintocheck.com">http://whois.domaintools.com/domaintocheck.com</a><!-- m --> (formerly whois.sc), I just get a blank screen? Although the main page works but not whois page. Its happening from more than a week. Anyone know whats up with them?
Hi if you are in need to do whois lookup for any domain name ..Then you can have a look at sites like Whoisxy.com here they render whois search tool which display details like website registrant name ,address,phone number ,email id and so on ...
Hi if you are in need to do whois lookup for any domain name ..Then you can have a look at sites like Whoisxy.com here they render whois search tool which display details like website registrant name ,address,phone number ,email id and so on ...