Which political radio host is the worst: Sean Hannity, Rush, or Randi Rhodes?

My vote goes to Sean Hannity.

Believe it or not, I'm a conservative McCain supporter.

I was disgusted by the way that Sean would claim to "only disagree with McCain on principles" and then go on to describe him as angry and old and not fit to be commander-in-chief. And then he'd go on to say what a wonderful human being Mitt Romney was, casually overlooking his plastic insincere persona and ridiculous flip flops from when he was Governor of Massachusetts....

I actually liked listening to Randi Rhodes go on about the crooked Clintonista criminals who sell policy favors openly through non-disclosed donations to the WJC Foundation.
If Randi Rhodes is on the radio and nobody listens, does she make a sound? Listeners have voted with their radio dial, she's the worst.
I have No idea, I have never been a talk radio pundit fan, talk radio has made a nation of fools and mindless minions, who only mouth slogans instead of think critically.

A sophistical rhetorician, inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity, and gifted with an egotistical imagination that can at all times command an interminable and inconsistent series of argument to malign and opponent and glorify himself. Benjamin Disraeli
Hannity gets one sided but he's tru to what he believes. And Rush said himself it's entertainment. A lot of it truth.
Randi Rhodes gets my vote. She's a frustrated DJ who's jealous of Hannity & Rush & can't understand why her potty mouth doesn't get the same respect & audience that the guys do.
While their on different sides of the political spectrum, Both Rhodes and Limbaugh have both been trail-blazers.

Hannity, on the other hand, is almost entirely a copy of Limbaugh. Sure there are some style differences, but not enough to make him any less than a minor league Limbaugh.

Now if you'd included either Michael Savage or Mike Papantonio, then sure, Hannity would have looked better.
Rush is the worst of the bunch. He is extemely arrogent, calling himself a harmless loveable little fuzzball (while insulting those who disagree with him), America's Anchorman, America's Truth-Detector, the man who is running America, with talent on loan, from God. Those are the words of a megalomaniac