what programming languages would be good for making on online browser based game?


New Member
i think the question explains it allP i'd like to go into as little detail on the games content as possible, but the basic idea of what i want is this.<br />
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I'd like to use a language that isn't overly compu-intensive. <br />
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Also i'm currently learning Java and Starting to learn C++ so if any of the server languages are similar to those that'd be great. <br />
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I would use Java / C++ with servlets for this, but i don't know how well it'd work out for storing user data etc.<br />
I would suggest ASP.NET

You can do basic stuff all the way up to the most intensive massive online games you could imagine. C#.NET should be pretty easy to learn if you have Java/c++ experience so you should have not problems with that and .NET is built for data storage so that is a great solution.
Actionscript for flash would be the best. That is if you mean an internet browser based game by "online browser". Yes, flash actionscript would be the best.
Stay away from single-source languages - that means ASP in any dialect. If you use ASP you're at Microsoft's mercy and, if they change IIS, your site may not work.

I'd use PHP or Ruby for the server-side, Javascript for the client-side and Actionscript for intensive graphics. (Also Ajax, to cut down on traffic and speed things up. Ajax is a way of doing things, not a language.)

C, in any dialect, is inappropriate for the task. Java applets and servlets may be useful, but they're not necessary. (Php and/or Ruby are trivial to learn if you know programming.) Javascript is *not* Java - treat it as learning a completely new language. (Javascript [and any client-side language] works with the DOM, so you'd better be solid on that concept if you're going to be writing web-based games.)
i think you should go 4 scripting languages like ASP and JSP as you want to design online game. These languages are fully backed by powerful languages like c++ and java. also they will give u provision for database connectivity. u wil hav java's taste wit the JSP + J2EE and c++ taste wit ASP + C#
Since you want to do it in a browser, use a java applet. This means that you will write the code in java, but it will run when called from a website