What online game modes does Call of Duty 4 have on the PC version and how do they work?

Team deathmatch, free for all, sabotage, search and destroy, and headquarters. It's very fun to play online, and free too, I just get a new internet service provider and I lag very badly and timeout when I try to play. . . (

Call of Duty 4 modern warfare is definitely the best game I have played in a long time, so my favourite..

On a scale from 1 to 10.
I gave the single player mode a 7 and multiplayer a 10..

***To those people with Clearwire ISP or those thinking about getting Clearwire. If you want to download/upload things fast or play games like Call of Duty or any other online games, get a different ISP, but if you just wantt o surf the internet and watch videos ect... It is a good deal, 35 dollars a month..***
just get the game its alot of fun as for the gametypes, theres team deathmatch, just regular 6v6 up to 75. search and destroy. two teams and you have to plant a bomb its like attacking and defending, and you only get 1 life.theres head quarters, two teams and you have to capture a base(kind of) it stays on for about 45 seconds or untill the other team comes to destroy it. also if your team captures it and you die you dont respawn untill the headquarters is destroyed. then theres domination 3 flags and you capture them. every 10 seconds you get 1 point for the amount of flags your team has.then theres other gametypes like team tactical(all those except 3v3) ground war (all those except big teams) and hardcore( low health and no HUD)